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发布日期:2024-05-06    点击:

黄薇薇,女,1988年04月生,教授,博士生导师,海南省拔尖人才。先后主持各级各类课题10余项,在权威学术期刊发表论文50余篇,其中SCI收录45篇。主要从事厌氧生物处理技术和循环水养殖工艺技术研发等,在微生物种间电子转移、厌氧同步产甲烷脱氮工艺开发及机理解析、富油及高蛋白颗粒污泥培养等方向取得了创新性的研究成果,发表于《Environmental Science & Technology》,《星空体育》等环境领域知名学术期刊。


2013-10--2016-09日本筑波大学 博士

2010-09--2013-07中国地质大学(北京) 硕士

2006-09--2006-07中国地质大学(北京) 学士


2022.7至今 星空体育生态与环境学院 教授

2019-12--2022.7 星空体育生态与环境学院 副教授

2018-09--2019-12 星空体育生态与环境学院 讲师

2016-11--2018-09 华东理工大学 博士后












1.Qing Xia,Fei Liu,Shengrui Sun,Wenli Huang,Ziwen Zhao,Fei Yang Zhongfang Lei,Weiwei Huang*, Xuesong Yi*. Coupling iron sludge addition and intermittent aeration for achieving simultaneous methanogenesis, Feammox, and denitrification in a single reactor treating fish sludge. Environmental Science & Technology 2023, 57, 40, 15065–15075.

2.Weiwei Huang, Wenli Huang, Tian Yuan, Ziwen Zhao, Wei Cai, Zhenya Zhang*, Zhongfang Lei, Chuanping Feng, 2016. Volatile fatty acids (VFAs) production from swine manure through short-term dry anaerobic digestion and its separation from nitrogen and phosphorus resources in the digestate. Water Research, 90, 344-353.

3.Ziyin Ai, Sichao Zheng, Dan Liu, Siyuan Wang, Hongqin Wang, Wenli Huang, Zhongfang Lei, Zhenya Zhang, Fei Yang, Weiwei Huang*, 2022. Zero-valent iron is not always effective in enhancing anaerobic digestion performance. Chemosphere, 306, 135544.

4.Qing Xia, Ziyin Ai, Wenli Huang, Fei Yang, Fei Liu, Zhongfang Lei, Weiwei Huang*, 2022. Recent progress in applications of Feammox technology for nitrogen removal from wastewaters: A review. Bioresource Technology, 362, 127868.

5.Shichao Zheng, Fei Yang, Wenli Huang, Zhongfang Lei, Zhenya Zhang, Weiwei Huang*, 2022. Combined effect of zero valent iron and magnetite on semi-dry anaerobic digestion of swine manure. Bioresource Technology, 346:126438.

6.Wei Sun, Zhiqiang Wang, Xinlong Tian, Hui Deng, Jianjun Liao, Chenglong Ma, Ji Yang, Xueqing Gong, Weiwei Huang*, Chengjun Ge, 2021. Nanoscale, 13, 13845-13857.

7.Wei Sun, Xinlong Tian, Jianjun Liao, Hui Deng, Chenglong Ma, Chengjun Ge, Ji Yang, Weiwei Huang*, 2020. Assembly of a highly active iridium-based oxide oxygen evolution reaction catalyst by using metal-organic framework self-dissolution. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12, 29414-29423.

8.Wei Sun, Chenglong Ma, Xinlong Tian, Jianjun Liao, Ji Yang, Chengjun Ge, Weiwei Huang*, 2020. An amorphous lanthanum-iridium solid solution with an open structure for efficient water splitting. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 8, 12518-12525.

9.Wenli Huang, Dongfang Liu, Weiwei Huang*, Wei Cai, Zhenya Zhang, Zhongfang Lei, 2020. Achieving partial nitrification and high lipid production in an algal-bacterial granule system when treating low COD/NH4-N wastewater. Chemosphere, 248, 126106.

10.Weiwei Huang, Fei Yang, Wenli Huang*, Zhongfang Lei, Zhenya Zhang, 2019. Enhancing hydrogenotrophic activities by zero-valent iron addition as an effective method to improve sulfadiazine removal during anaerobic digestion of swine manure. Bioresource Technology, 294, 122178.

11.Weiwei Huang, Fei Yang*, Wenli Huang, Dexin Wang, Zhongfang Lei, Zhenya Zhang, 2019. Weak magnetic field significantly enhances methane production from a digester supplemented with zero valent iron. Bioresource Technology, 282, 202-210.

12.Yuan Yang, Fei Yang, Weiwei Huang*, Wenli Huang, Fei Li, Zhongfang Lei, Zhenya Zhang, 2018. Enhanced anaerobic digestion of ammonia-rich swine manure by zero-valent iron: With special focus on the enhancement effect on hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis activity. Bioresource Technology, 270, 172-179.

13.Weiwei Huang, Ziwen Zhao, Tian Yuan, Wenli Huang, Zhongfang Lei*, Zhenya Zhang*, 2017. Low-temperature hydrothermal pretreatment followed by dry anaerobic digestion: A sustainable strategy for manure waste management regarding energy recovery and nutrients availability. Waste Management, 70, 255-262.

14.Weiwei Huang, Tian Yuan, Ziwen Zhao, Xi Yang, Wenli Huang, Zhongfang Lei*, Zhenya Zhang*, 2016. Coupling hydrothermal treatment with stripping technology for fast ammonia release and effective nitrogen recovery from chicken manure. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 4, 3704-3711.

