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发布日期:2024-05-06    点击:

马文超,女,1982年09月生,星空体育教授/博导,2021年入选国家重大人才工程青年学者,从事固体废弃物管理与能源化高效利用研究。以第一/通讯作者在Nat. Comm.、Prog. Energy Combust. Sci.、Environ. Sci. Technol.等高水平期刊发表SCI论文60余篇,其中封面论文3篇;主参编中英文教材/著作10部,其中主编中文教材《星空体育》入选战略性新兴领域“十四五”高等教育教材体系建设团队;授权发明专利19项,日本专利1项,美国专利2项。主持国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划课题等国家级/省部级项目20余项,研究经费逾2000万。曾先后获国家科技进步二等奖、天津市技术发明奖等省部级一等奖6项。先后担任海南省热带岛屿环境污染防治国际联合研究中心主任、科技部“十四五”环境科技创新专项规划专家、国际固废能源化委员会中国地区委员、海南省热带岛屿环境污染防治国际联合研究中心主任等,担任《Waste Disposal & Sustainable Energy》、《星空体育官方网站》、《星空体育》等期刊客座编辑。






2006.08-2008.09,Technical University of Berlin (德国)环境管理,联培;





2018.11-2019.10 Columbia University(美国),访问学者;

2018.09 -2022.03天津大学环境工程,副教授;

















[1].Chu Chu, Long Long Ma, Hyder Alawi, Wenchao Ma* , YiFei Zhu, Junhao Sun, Yao Lu, Yixian Xue, Guanyi Chen. Mechanistic exploration of polytetrafluoroethylene thermal plasmagasification through multiscale simulation coupled with experimental validation. Nature Communications. 2024, 15, 1654.

[2].Zhuoshi Huang, Jicui Cui, Abdoulaye Boré, Wenchao Ma*, Ziyi Zhang, Zhi Qiao, Ziyang Lou, Johann Fellner. Health risk assessment of municipal solid waste incineration emissions based on regression analysis. Eco-Environment & Health. 2024, 01, 009.

[3].Yishi Han, Yuan Wang, Xiaoming Wang, Jiu Huang, Wenchao Ma*. Exploring the greenhouse gas emissions inventory and driving mechanisms of municipal solid waste in China. Environmental Impact Assessment Review. 2024, 105, 107428.

[4].Abdoulaye Bor´e, Godknows Dziva, Chu Chu , Zhuoshi Huang, Xuewei Liu, Siyuan Qin, Wenchao Ma*. Achieving sustainable emissions in China: Techno-economic analysis of post-combustion carbon capture unit retrofitted to WTE plants. Journal of Environmental Management. 2024, 349, 119280.

[5].Chu Chu, Ping Wang, Abdoulaye Bore, Wenchao Ma*, Guanyi Chen ,Pan Wang.Thermal plasma co-gasification of polyvinylchloride and biomass mixtures under steam atmospheres: Gasification characteristics and chlorine release behavior. Energy. 2023, 262, 125385.

[6].Imtiaz Ali Jamro, Abdul Raheem, Salim Khoso, Humair Ahmed Baloch, Akash Kumar, Guanyi Chen, Waheed Ali Bhagat, Terrence Wenga,Wenchao Ma*. Investigation of enhanced H2 production from municipal solid waste gasification via artificial neural network with data on tar compounds. Journal of Environmental Management. 2023, 328, 117014.

[7].Wenchao Ma, Jicui Cui, Boré Abdoulaye, Yuan Wang, Huibin Du, Athanasios C. Bourtsalas*, andGuanyi Chen*. Air Pollutant Emission Inventory of Waste-to-Energy Plants in China and Prediction by the Artificial Neural Network Approach. Environmental Science & Technology. 2023, 57(2): 874-883.(封面文章)

[8].Xuewei Liu, Tingzhou Lei, Abdoulaye Boré, Ziyang Lou, Bary Abdouraman, Wenchao Ma*. Evolution of global plastic waste trade flows from 2000 to 2020 and its predicted trade sinks in 2030. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2022, 376, 134373.

[9].Chu Chu, Boré Abdoulaye, Liu, Xuewei, Cui Jicui, Wang Ping, Liu Xu, Chen Guanyi, Liu Bin, Wenchao Ma*, Lou Ziyang, Tao Yuan, Bary Abdouraman . Modeling the impact of some independent parameters on the syngas characteristics during plasma gasification of municipal solid waste using artificial neural network and stepwise linear regression methods. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews.2022, 157, 112052.

[10].Nickolas J. Themelis*,Wenchao Ma*. Waste to energy (WTE) in China: from latecomer to front runner. Waste Disposal & Sustainable Energy. 2021, 3: 267–274.(封面文章)

[11].Shijun Lei, Dali Huang, Shuhao Liu, Mingfeng Chen, Rong Ma, Minxiang Zeng, Dan Li, Wenchao Ma*, Ling Wang*, Zhengdong Cheng. Templating Synthesis of Natural Cotton-based Hierarchically Structured Carbon Hollow Microfibers for High-performance Solar Vapor Generation. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2021, 716, 13708-13716.

[12].Wenchao Ma,Wenbo Shi,Yajun Shi,Dongmei Chen,Bin Liu,Chu Chu,Dan Li,Yanlong Li,Guanyi Chen*. Plasma vitrification and heavy metals solidification of MSW and sewage sludge incineration fly ash. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2021, 408, 124809.

[13].Wenchao Ma, Terrence Wenga, Flemming J. Frandsen*, Beibei Yan*, Guanyi Chen*. The fate of chlorine during MSW incineration: Vaporization, transformation, deposition, corrosion and remedies. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science. 2020, 76: 100789.

[14].Wenchao Ma, Chu Chu, Ping Wang, Zhenfei Guo, Bin Liu, Guanyi Chen*. Characterization of tar evolution during DC Thermal Plasma Steam gasification from biomass and plastic mixtures: Parametric optimization via Response Surface Methodology. Energy Conversion and Management. 2020, 225, 113407.

[15].Ning Duan, Dan Li, Ping Wang, Wenchao Ma*, Terrence Wenga, Lei Zhong, Guanyi Chen**. Comparative study of municipal solid waste disposal in three Chinese representative cities. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2020, 254, 120134.

[16].马文超、吕学斌、韩智勇主编, 固体废物处理与污染控制, 北京大学出版社, 2023.10. 入选绿色环保·战略性新兴领域“十四五”高等教育教材体系建设团队.

[17].赵由才、牛冬杰、柴晓利编,马文超、黄庭梁、潘慧、孙向军、陈彧、戴世金、周涛. 固体废物处理与资源化第三版,马文超负责第七章,有机固体废物热解技术,978-7-122-34051-1,化学工业出版社,2019-07.

